Be a smart consumer when using functional foods

2023-03-17 15:39:14

DNTH: Functional food is a food that contains biological activities necessary for health, made from herbs, or traditional food, it contains nutritional ingredients or does not contain nutrition. but has a particularly important role in human health and CoQ10 is one such product.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound found in the mitochondria of plant and animal cells. In the human body CoQ10 is found in almost all tissues, most notably in the heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, and colon tissues. It is important for health maintenance, being the main compound that helps mitochondria produce energy for cells. Therefore, it can be said that CoQ10 is an indispensable compound for our survival and development.

Mitochondria are known as the energy factories for our bodies, each cell has several thousand mitochondria. The task of this plant is to carry out the process of cellular respiration to convert substances from the absorbed food into an energy source. Mitochondria produce up to 90% of the energy our bodies need to function. The special thing is that mitochondria have their own DNA system (mtDNA) that is different from the DNA system located in the cell nucleus.

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Mitochondrial-associated diseases are chronic, long-term diseases that can be inherited or when mitochondrial function declines, which is when mitochondria do not produce enough energy to function properly. . Mitochondrial disease often occurs in energy-consuming organs such as the brain, nerve cells, muscles, kidneys, heart, liver, eyes, ears, and pancreas. These are the organs that consume most of the product from the mitochondrial “energy factory”.

When mitochondria in cells lose their function, the organs do not have enough energy for the process of operation, leading to the decline and loss of function of those organs themselves. Many other diseases can lead to the loss of mitochondrial function at a secondary level and backfire, further impairing mitochondrial function such as: Alzheimer's disease, muscular dystrophy, Lou Gehrig's disease, hematuria sugar and cancer.

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Therefore, the first thing to take care of to have a good health, to keep the energy production of mitochondria stable is to always balance the substances in the body, to ensure that there is always enough CoQ10 for the mitochondria to produce. generate energy, best serve all the normal activities of the functional organs in the body.

Unlike functional foods produced in developed countries such as the UK, France, the US, Canada... but are not circulated in that country, because the product quality is not up to standard and the manufacturer has to switch go to markets with lower quality management standards, such as many products currently circulating in Vietnam. CoQ10 is a functional food that is allowed to be produced and circulated in Canada, the US and some countries with strict criteria in drug control. That gives confidence in the quality and stability of everyone's health during the use of the product.

Uses of CoQ10:

  • Reduce heart attack, increase heart function and prevent myocardial infarction;
  • Reduce atherosclerosis;
  • Reduce blood pressure, regulate blood pressure;
  • Reduce blood sugar;
  • Lowers Cholesterol;
  • Migraine pain relief;
  • Anti-aging, increase physiological function;
  • Supporting the treatment of new Parkinson's disease and breast cancer for women;
  • Helps the body to prevent cancer;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Increase immune cell system;
  • Anti-muscle degeneration, recommended for athletes;
  • Enhance immunity and keep the body healthy;
  • Participating in the transportation of phosphate and hydrogen radicals in the body;
  • Prevention of harmful toxins caused by the effects of chemicals in the surrounding environment.

Production unit

CoQ10 is manufactured by Vita Naturals Inc., located at 13891 Viking Place Richmond, British Columbia V6V 1K8, Canada, which was established in April 1994. After more than 28 years of operation, the Company has become a becoming the largest GMP certified pharmaceutical and dietary supplement manufacturer in British Columbia, Canada and certified by the Halal Montreal Certification Body (HMCA). Since then, many products have met the standards of production and circulation in the country, as well as exported to markets applying strict management criteria on pharmaceuticals.          

GMP Standard: GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice is a system of good manufacturing practice standards, to control factors that can affect the process of forming product quality, in order to ensure quality products. the best.

Standard of Halal Montreal Certification Body (HMCA): The manufactured product must be free from any ingredients prohibited by Islamic Law (LHG); the product must not come into contact with any means or equipment from LHG materials that are not allowed during the production stages; and during that process the product must not come into contact with any nutritious food from LHG unapproved ingredients.

The above are some certifications that help open many doors of difficult markets, when bringing CoQ10 to consumers around the world, including Vietnam. A market with the highest level of standardization in food and pharmaceutical products in the world is the US, CoQ10 has also passed the control round to achieve the qualification of the US Food and Drug Administration. That helps strengthen consumers' confidence in CoQ10 supplements, which is a testament to its effectiveness.

Exclusive supplier in Vietnam

Through Maple West Co., Ltd. is the unit responsible for the product - the company announces the import and distribution, representing Vita Naturals Inc. to supply CoQ10 through the Maple West brand to the Vietnamese market, consumers can be used with many perfect procedures, instead of waiting for goods from abroad to be sent in a small way as before.

The link between CoQ10 and mitochondria in the production of energy for organs in the body, demonstrates the importance of CoQ10 to human cells and health. Therefore, taking care of your health and that of your loved ones, through additional nutrients for the body, in which CoQ10 is indispensable, is the best cost-saving method for life, avoiding the situation of losing control of health and finances when an illness arises.

Vu Chien

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